
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.
Albert Einstein
27-07-2017 19:51
  1. I’m beginning the review of individual vaccines with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine, as it is, without doubt, the most dangerous and useless one.

  2. HPV is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, but it can also be contracted from parents and friends. Most people contract it at some point in their lives and in 90% of the cases the virus passes on its own, without any symptoms, and only in 0.15% of the cases the virus leads to cervical cancer.
    There are over 170 strains of papillomavirus. 17 of them are potentially oncogenic, some only cause warts.

  3. Three HPV vaccines are currently available. Gardasil (Merck) is a tetravalent vaccine (protects against types 6, 11, 16, 18) and Cervarix (GlaxoSmithKline) is bivalent (protects against types 16 and 18). Types 16 and 18 are oncogenic and ‘responsible’ for 70% of the cases of cervical cancer, while types 6 and 11 cause warts. Since 2014 there is also a new, nine-valent vaccine – Gardasil-9.
    This vaccine is usually given to children starting at the age of 9, boys and girls, in three doses. In 2016 CDC recommended reducing the number of doses to two. In 2018 discussions regarding reducing the number of doses to just one have started.
    The vaccines contain recombinant (genetically modified) virus-like particles.

  4. How is it usually determined that a specific virus (or other pathogen) is the cause of a specific disease?
    Theoretically, Koch’s postulates are usually used. The causal link between HPV and cervical cancer does not meet the requirements of the Koch’s postulates.
    In practice, this does not mean much, as even Koch himself understood the limitations of his postulates.
    In reality, there are currently no generally accepted criteria for establishing a causal relationship in medicine. Statistical methods are usually used, but statistics can be used to prove anything.
    Wikipedia cites new Koch’s postulates, which were proposed for the 21st century. However, they state that these postulates are quite controversial, as according to them, HPV is not the cause of cervical cancer, even though everyone knows that it is.
    So whether HPV is the cause of cervical cancer or not is far from being settled science.

  5. The cause of invasive cancer can be multifactorial. 2000, Haverkos, Biomed Pharmacother

    Despite the fact that HPV-16 and 18 play a major role in the development of cervical cancer, contracting HPV is neither a necessary nor a sufficient factor in causing cervical cancer.
    - HPV is found in only 90% of the tumors, and therefore that causal relationship between them does not satisfy Koch’s first postulate
    - in 1970s researchers believed that it was the herpes virus (HSV-2) that was responsible for this disease
    Those with HPV get cervical cancer 4.3 times more often than those who do not have the virus. But those who have both viruses (HPV and herpes) get cancer 8.8 times more often.
    - In another study HPV was found in 77% of the cancer patients. Among those who did not have HPV, herpes was found 3.6 times more often.
    - Smoking significantly increases the risk of cervical cancer (even after adjusting for sexual behavior and socioeconomic status).
    - Vaginal douching also significantly increases the risk of cervical cancer. Commercial douching products use tar. The risk of cervical cancer for those using commercial products is 2.4 times higher. For those who use vinegar and water the risk does not increase. Tar is also used in cigarettes and is a known carcinogen.
    - African American women get cervical cancer twice as often. They also douche twice as often.
    - Contraceptive pills increase the risk of cervical cancer threefold. Intrauterine device – by 1.6 times. Condoms, diaphragms, foams and jellies reduce the risk of cancer. [1].
    The authors conclude that the cause of cervical cancer is the interaction between viruses (especially HPV and HSV-2) and tar (smoking and douching).

  6. Adverse reactions to human papillomavirus vaccine in the Valencian Community (2007-2011). 2014, Rodríguez-Galán, An Pediatr (Barc)

    Gardasil causes 2.6 times more fainting, and 8 times more epileptic seizure than do other vaccines. The authors conclude that the vaccine is perfectly safe.

  7. HPV and cervical cancer could be compared to aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease. Despite the fact that many scientists understand that aluminum plays a major role in the occurrence of the disease, admitting to it would not benefit anyone. It would not benefit the aluminum industry, or the cosmetics industry, or the pharmaceutical industry, all of which will lose hundreds of millions in profits, and will have to payout huge compensations. Neither does it benefit the governments, whose countries’ economies will suffer because or this, nor does it benefit the scientists, who will lose their scarce grants and who do not wish to become another Wakefield. It would not benefit even the Alzheimer’s Association, which will lose its financing as soon as the cause of the disease is determined.
    The recognition of HPV as the sole factor in cervical cancer, however, does benefit everyone: the pharmaceutical industry, the governments and even the scientists. HPV vaccine created a new multi-billion dollar market that has not existed before out of thin air.

  8. Serious adverse events after HPV vaccination: a critical review of randomized trials and post-marketing case series. 2017, Martínez-Lavín, Clin Rheumatol

    Analysis of clinical and post-clinical trials of the vaccine:
    - In most clinical studies, an inert placebo was not used;
    - In two largest clinical trials the number of serious negative cases reported was significantly higher in the group that received the vaccine;
    - In the group that received Cervarix, 14 deaths were recorded, while the group that got the placebo only three girls died;
    - In the group that received Gardasil-9 the number of serious negative cases reported was significantly higher than in the group that got regular Gardasil (3.3% vs. 2.6%).
    To prevent one case of dysplasia that is not prevented by Gardasil, 1,757 girls need to be vaccinated with Gardasil-9. To cause an additional serious negative case 140 girls need to be vaccinated with Gardasil-9. Meaning that the chance of Gardasil-9 causing harm is 12.5 times higher than the chance of it doing good, as compared to Gardasil.
    - Almost all serious adverse events in clinical trials were regarded as not related to the vaccine.
    - A study conducted in Valencia showed that 10 times more adverse events are recorded for the HPV vaccines as compared to other vaccines (1:1000). The authors suggested that it might be due to the bad PR of this vaccine. 32% of the adverse events were serious.
    - Japan suspended vaccination in response to the adverse events.

  9. Cervical cancer develops very slowly; it is a process that takes 20-40 years (although rapid development is possible). It is preceded by cervical dysplasia.
    Cervical dysplasia is the presence of atypical cells in the cervix. There are tree types of dysplasia: CIN 1 (mild dysplasia), CIN 2 (moderate dysplasia), CIN 3 (severe dysplasia).
    Having dysplasia does not mean that cervical cancer is inevitable.
    Only 1% of CIN 1 develops into cancer; only 5% of CIN 2 develops into cancer; only 12-32% of CIN 3 develops into cancer.

  10. Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine and autoimmune adverse events: a case-control assessment of the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) database. 2017, Geier, Immunol Res

    VAERS analysis. For those vaccinated with Gardasil the risk of getting gastroenteritis was increased by 4.6 times, rheumatoid arthritis – 5.6 times, thrombocytopenia – 2.2 times, systemic lupus erythematosus – 7.6 times, vasculitis – 3.4 times, alopecia – 8.9 times, fainting – 5.3 times, damage to the ovaries – 15 times, irritable bowel syndrome – 10 times.

  11. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines as an option for preventing cervical malignancies: (how effective and safe? 2013, Tomljenovic, Curr Pharm Des

    This article analyzes clinical trials of HPV vaccines. The article is long, but very informative, and is worth reading in full.
    - PAP smear is a test that determines whether one has dysplasia. In developed countries where it is widely used, the risk of death from cervical cancer is very low (1.4/100,000 women). 90% of deaths from cervical cancer are recorded in third world countries. (The risk of disease is also very low – 7/100,000 women. Moreover, the death rate from cervical cancer continues to fall rapidly. In the 90s, without any vaccinations, it decreased by half.)
    - An even bigger reduction of mortality from cervical cancer due to vaccinations in the developed countries is highly unlikely.
    - Since the development of cervical cancer takes decades, and pharmaceutical companies do not want to wait so long, surrogate markers (i.e. dysplasia CIN 1-3, which develop faster) are used instead of cancer in vaccine clinical trials. But since the vast majority of these dysplasias pass on their own, they are a pretty bad marker for cervical cancer.
    - The test for dysplasia, especially CIN 2, is very imprecise, which also makes it a bad marker.
    - Therefore, the effectiveness of a vaccine, determined on the basis of dysplasia, is not an indication of the effectiveness of the vaccine against cervical cancer.
    - Analyzing clinical trials, the effectiveness of Gardasil in preventing CIN 2-3, associated with any strain of HPV, was only 14-17%. (This is the actual effectiveness of the vaccine. But even this number is too high, as dysplasia does not always develop into cancer.)
    - Effectiveness of the vaccine for those, who have already been infected with HPV, was negative (from -33% to -44%). That is, for those already infected, vaccine increases the risk of dysplasia. These results were not mentioned in the article published my Merck. Nonetheless, FDA does not require testing for the infection before vaccinating.
    - Prevention of CIN 1-3 from 16/18 strains was at 100%. The statistical significance of these results, however, is rather doubtful. First of all, the confidence interval is very wide. The vaccine prevented 3 cases of CIN 1-3 in one group, and 7 cases in the other. Second of all, CIN 1 develops into cancer only in 1% of the cases. However, since the number of CIN 1 cases is much higher compared to the CIN 2-3 cases, summing up CIN 1 with CIN 2-3 completely distorts the statistics.
    - The authors further analyze clinical trials of the Cervarix vaccine, with similar conclusions.
    - After 7 years, the effectiveness of Cervarix in preventing CIN 2 was only 40.6%, with the confidence interval (-106.0 to 84.7) (no statistical significance).
    - From 2006 to 2012 more than 20,000 cases of adverse events of this vaccine have been reported in the USA, 8% of them were serious ones. 73 people died, 581 became disabled. Since the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is passive, it records only 1% to 10% of all cases, according to various estimates. Therefore, the real amount of adverse events is 10-100 times higher.
    - Out of all vaccine adverse events in girls aged 6-29 years, 65% of all serious adverse events are due to HPV vaccine.
    - 82% of disability cases of women under 30 are associated with HPV vaccine.
    - In Australia the amount of serious adverse events increased by 85% and due to HPV vaccination. The same is happening is other countries as well.
    - In the Cervarix study, which included 9,000 women, 8% had serious adverse event, 32% had significant adverse event, 9% had a spontaneous abortion, 3% got a new chronic disease. Same adverse events were observed in the control group (which received the same vaccine, only without the antigen).
    - In the UK, adverse events from Cervarix were observed 8 times more often than from the MMR vaccine.

  12. Effectiveness of the Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Against Cervical Dysplasia in Manitoba, Canada. 2014, Mahmud, J Clin Oncol

    Another study proving the low effectiveness of Gardasil and negative effectiveness for those already infected with HPV.
    Regarding the negative effectiveness of the vaccine for those already infected, the CDC writes: “The vaccine is less effective in preventing HPV-related disease in young women who have already been exposed to one or more HPV types. ‘Less effective’, according to CDC, means negative effectiveness. However, they are technically right. Negative effectiveness, indeed, is less than the positive. Remember this the next time you read CDC recommendations.
    And this is what the National Cancer Institute (which owns several patents for the production of this vaccine) writes on their website: “It is likely that someone exposed to HPV will still get some residual benefit from vaccination, even if he or she has already been infected with one or more of the HPV types included in the vaccines.” Decide for yourself whether the National Cancer Institute is interested in reducing the number of cancer patients.
    But maybe FDA is not aware of the negative effectiveness of Gardasil? They are very much aware of it (page 13).

  13. Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: are they at odds? 2014, Tomljenovic, Ann Med

    - Despite the fact that HPV vaccine is positioned as vaccine against cervical cancer, to this day it has not prevented a single case of cancer, let alone cancer death.
    - The long-term benefits of this vaccine are based on theoretical assumptions, rather than on research. (It has not been established that the immunity will last for decades).
    - Side effects from it include seizures, paralysis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, facial neuritis, anaphylactic shock, deep vein thrombosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, cervical cancer and death.
    - In developed countries, more people suffer from serious side effects of HPV vaccines than die of cervical cancer. Although this comparison is not entirely correct, it should be remembered that this vaccine is given to children; therefore, even if this vaccine was very effective and prevented all 70% of cases of cancer from HPV 16 and 18 strains, this cancer would develop only decades later. Should the theoretical risk of getting cervical cancer at the age of 50 be exchanged for the practical risk of lifelong paralysis, autoimmune disease or death at the age of 9?

  14. Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following the administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. 2017, Inbar, Immunol Res

    Mice were injected with Gardasil in doses equivalent to the humans’ and compared to control mice. Vaccinated mice showed signs of depression, as well as inflammation of the brain nerve tissue and autoimmune reactions.

  15. A case-control study of quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine-associated autoimmune negative events. 2015, Geier, Clin Rheumatol

    The authors analyzed the serious adverse events of Gardasil in the USA. The vaccine is associated with an increase in the risk of gastroenteritis by 4.6 times, arthritis – 2.5 times, systemic lupus – 5.3 times, vasculitis – 4 times, alopecia – 8.3 times, nervous system diseases – 1.8 times.
    Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels) starts, on average, 6 days after the vaccination, lupus – 19 days later, arthritis – after 55 days.

  16. Adverse events following HPV vaccination, Alberta 2006-2014. 2016, Liu, Vaccine

    Out of 195 thousand girls who received Gardasil, 10% came to emergency department within 42 days of vaccination. 958 were hospitalized.
    The authors conclude that the vaccine is safe. 10% of emergency care visits among 10-year-old girls is, of course, quite normal and has nothing to do with the vaccination.

  17. Prevalence of HPV After the Introduction of the Vaccination Program in the United States. 2016, Markowitz, Pediatrics

    Nature abhors a vacuum. By preventing girls from getting the infection from two or four strains of HPV, the vaccine only causes them to be replaced with other strains.
    There is a decrease in prevalence of the four strains of HPV in young girls, but there is no change in the prevalence of HPV, taking into account all strains of the virus.

  18. Shift in the prevalence of HPV types in cervical cytology specimens in the era of HPV vaccination. 2016, Fischer, Oncol Lett

    Oncogenic strains of HPV, 16 and 18, have been replaced with other oncogenic strains: 31, 51, 53, 56 and 66.
    Three more studies with the same conclusions in Italy, Netherlands and the USA.

  19. After the European Medicines Agency (EMA) published a report stating that the HPV vaccine is completely safe, the Scandinavian division of Cochrane filed a complaint with the EMA. In the 19-page letter Cochrane provides evidence of the report having been written by people with conflict of interest, which they forgot to mention. The letter also says that they completely ignored testimonies, expert opinions and evidence of this vaccine being unsafe.

  20. Death after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination: Causal or Coincidental? 2012, Tomljenovic, Pharma Reg Affairs

    Two girls died after getting the HPV vaccine. The first girl died at the age of 19, 6 months after receiving the third vaccine. The second girl died at the age of 14, two weeks after receiving the second vaccine. Both had autopsies, which did not reveal any pathologies.
    The authors of the study analyzed the samples of the girls’ brain tissue and discovered that they both had autoimmune cerebral vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels of the brain), caused by the HPV-16 antibodies. They also found virus-like vaccine particles HPV-16L1 themselves, stuck on the blood vessels of the brain.
    Accumulating immune cells in brain tissue could happen in one of the 3 cases:
    1) brain infection;
    2) brain injury;
    3) overstimulation of immune system (e.g. through vaccination).
    Given the girls’ medical histories and results of the autopsies it is clear that only the third option applies.
    The brain is very sensitive to reduction in blood supply (ischemia). Therefore, nervous system vasculitis left untreated easily leads to permanent disability. Cerebral vasculitis is considered to be a relatively rare disease. But this is because its symptoms are unstable and it is hard to diagnose. The symptoms include headaches, orthostatic intolerance, dizziness, fainting, tremor, tingling, weakness, cognitive and motor disorder, etc. Both girls showed most of these symptoms.

  21. Orthostatic intolerance and postural tachycardia syndrome as suspected adverse effects of vaccination against human papilloma virus. 2015, Brinth, Vaccine

    Orthostatic intolerance is a decrease in pressure upon rising from a sitting or lying position. The authors analyzed the symptoms of 35 girls who came to them. All of them had orthostatic intolerance start, on average, 9 days after the vaccination, but they were diagnosed two years later, on average. Most of them also had severe headaches, nausea, cognitive disorders, rapid heartbeat, weakness, tremor, sleeping problems, rash, neuropathic pain, etc. Five girls could not get about without a wheelchair. Anyone who did not take birth control pill had irregular menstrual cycle. All but one could not function normally and 21 of them were forced to quit their studies or job.
    Before vaccination all girls were professionally involved in sports, half of them on a national or international level.
    The fact that doing sports leads to intensified response to the vaccine was established in other studies as well.
    Another similar study of 6 girls.

  22. Suspected side effects to the quadrivalent human papilloma vaccine. 2015, Brinth, Dan Med J

    The authors analyzed the symptoms of 53 girls after the vaccination. Common symptoms were headaches, orthostatic intolerance, fainting, weakness, cognitive disorders, insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle, tremor, twitching, difficulty walking, stomachache, chest pain and neuropathic pains, etc. None of the girls had any chronic diseases before the vaccination.
    The symptoms started, on average, 11 days after the vaccination. Before vaccination all patients were professionally involved in sports. After the vaccination 98% of them could not function normally, 75% had to quit studies or jobs for at least two months.
    A similar study of 44 girls in Japan.
    Here is the description of 18 similar cases among active and athletic girls. At least 10 of them could not function normally after the vaccination.

  23. Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. 2015, Colafrancesco, Am J Reprod Immunol

    Three girls (ages 13, 14 and 21) had menopause after the vaccination. The tests revealed autoantibodies, hinting at the role of the HPV vaccine. All of them got the regular symptoms as well – nausea, headache, insomnia, cognitive and psychiatric disorders.
    HPV virus for Cervarix is grown in caterpillar cells, and the virus for Gardasil is grown in yeast. Yeast is a known trigger of autoimmune reactions.

  24. Adolescent Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Following Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Case Series Seen in General Practice. 2014, Little, J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep

    Three more girls with menopause after the vaccination. All from the same Australian state. The authors write that menopause in adolescence virtually did not exist before.
    (On the other hand, after the menopause one girl had less teenage acne! So if your daughter has acne and you do not want any grandchildren, you can suggest Gardasil to her.)

    But I cite this article because it also analyzes pre-clinical, clinical and post-clinical trials of the vaccine in terms of its effect on fertility, and it is worth reading in full.
    Pre-clinical toxicology studies are performed on rats. Merck refused to provide toxicology report on the reproductive organs of females, but did provide the report on the reproductive organs of males!
    After being vaccinated female rats conceived only once, after which they were killed. Rats only received two doses of the vaccine, not three, as do humans.
    Clinical trials were not any better. Firstly, safety was mostly studied on girls at the ages of 16-23. There were very few girls under 16 years of age, even though they are the ones the vaccine was indented for. Secondly, they were all required to take birth control pills for at least seven months, which means that irregularities in menstrual cycle could not be determined. If anything happened after the seven months passed, then by definition, it could not have been related to the vaccination. And if anything happened during those seven months, but the experimenter did not think it was related to the vaccine, then it wasn’t. And yet, two girls did have their menstruation terminated, but Merck did not publish this data. Thirdly, serious side effects were checked for during two weeks after the vaccination. Noticing the cessation of menstruation in two weeks is quite difficult. Moreover, аmenorrhea was not considered a serious side effect at all. ‘Serious’ only includes hospitalization, disability or death. Menopause at the age of 12 is not a serious problem.
    VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in the USA) recorded 104 cases of menopause after Gardasil in 2006-2013.
    Post-clinical trials are usually based on hospitalization data, and therefore they are also unable to detect early menopause, since it does not require hospitalization. More: [1]

  25. A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25-29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection. 2018, DeLong, J Toxicol Environ Health A

    The birth rate in the USA decreased by 11.5% since 2007, even though it’s been rising since 1995.
    Married women at the ages of 25-29, who received the HPV vaccine, got pregnant 3 times less often than those who did not get vaccinated.
    Among all women, the ones that got one dose got pregnant 2.4 times less often, and those who got three doses got pregnant 3.2 times less often, as compared to the women unvaccinated against HPV.
    In another study a link between the HPV vaccine and infertility has not been found. However, this study compared young vaccinated women to older unvaccinated women. Neither did the study analyze the number of doses received by the women.

  26. Polysorbate 80

  27. One of the components of Gardasil is ‘Polysorbate 80’. It’s an emulsifier that is often used in food and cosmetics, and is considered safe enough to be used in vaccines as well. Although, of course, no one checked for its safety in vaccines. In a study on rats, however, it turned out that when newborn rats are injected with Polysorbate 80 their oestrus cycle is disrupted (increase from 4.3 to 9-14 days). In addition, they had low ovarian weight, abnormal uterus cytology, enlarged uterus and accelerated aging of the reproductive organs.

  28. In addition, Polysorbate 80 can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. [1] [2]. Moreover, because of this property it is often added to medicine intended for the central nervous system.
    This, in addition to aluminum, also explains why most side effects of the vaccine are neurological and psychiatric disorders.

  29. According to the toxicology report of the manufacturer, Polysorbate 80 is a carcinogen and causes DNA mutations. Also, judging by the animal testing, it causes cardiac changes, psychological changes, and weight loss. Whether it penetrates the skin is unclear, but that does not prevent it from being widely used in soaps, shampoos and other cosmetics.
    Polysorbate 80 can cause anaphylactic shock.

  30. Polysorbate 80 and E-Ferol toxicity. 1986, Alade, Pediatrics

    In the early 1980s, premature babies were injected intravenously with a drug containing vitamin E. It was associated with pulmonary insufficiency, hepatomegaly, cholestatic jaundice, ascites, splenomegaly, renal insufficiency, azotemia and thrombocytopenia. At least 38 babies died.
    It turned out that Polysorbate 80, contained in the drug, was responsible for these side effects.

  31. Healthy mice, whose diet was supplemented with a low concentration of Polysorbate 80, developed an intestinal inflammation. They had obesity, metabolic syndrome and colitis. Polysorbate 80 also changed intestinal microflora and increased the inflammatory potential. The authors conclude that using Polysorbate 80 and similar emulsifiers contributed to the increase in the number of cases of obesity, metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases.
    Polysorbate 80 also plays a role in the development of the Crohn’s disease.
    Polysorbate 80 is usually added to ice cream, gum, gelatin, mayonnaise, various sauces, etc.

  32. Polysorbate 80 is also found in some vaccines against diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis, polio, Hib, hepatitis A and B, flu, pneumococcus, meningococcus and rotavirus.

  33. In clinical trials of both vaccines, aluminum was used instead of a placebo. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the real number of side effects from these trials. This is the document Merck provided for the FDA approval of Gardasil. 20,000 girls participated in the vaccine trails. 75% of the young girls and girls of the ages of 9-26 developed some kind of new diseases during the three years of the trial (page 137). Whether it is many or not, you decide for yourself.
    However, one small control group of the girls in the Gardasil trials received saline, not aluminum. Although this saline also contained other components of the vaccine, apart from aluminum: the already familiar Polysorbate 80, yeast protein, borax and L-histidine. L-histidine is a histamine precursor, which we will talk about another time.
    The existence of this small group allows Merck to claim that not only aluminum was used as a placebo, but also saline. As for the other components of this saline solution – they usually stay modestly silent. You will not find this information in the vaccine package insert, for example. But you can find it here.
    However, the data on side effects of this group compared to other groups is hidden. Merck summarized the serious side effects of all control groups together.

  34. For the longest time I could not understand how they managed to create such a dangerous vaccine. After all, unlike most vaccines that are given to small children with an undeveloped immune system, this vaccine is given to older children and adults. Then why is it that the number of side effects of this particular vaccine is so overwhelming? Vaccination advocates have a simple answer to this question. According to them, this happens because older children and adults, unlike babies, can speak.
    Babies can only express themselves through crying, and crying could be attributed to anything. If a 16-year-old girl starts fainting, stops thinking straight and cannot continue studying, it’s impossible not to notice, and impossible to write off to genetic factors. And if a baby stops thinking straight, it only becomes visible years later and it can be concluded that the baby was born that way.

  35. But there is another answer. New types of aluminum salts were used as adjuvants in these vaccines. Aluminum hydroxide (Al(OH)3) and aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) were discussed in the aluminum chapter. But there are new, more potent aluminum adjuvants.
    Amorphous Aluminum Hydrophosphate Sulfate (AAHS) was used in Gardasil. Gardasil-9 has 2.2 times more of this aluminum than the previous version of the vaccine (500 μg).
    Adjuvant system 04 (AS04) was used in Cervarix. It is aluminum hydroxide mixed with salmonella endotoxin.
    Of course, no one has conducted any studies on the safety of these new adjuvants. Despite numerous studies proving its toxicity, aluminum is recognized by the FDA as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). This means that its new compounds are also safe enough to be added to vaccines.

  36. Effect of alternative aluminum adjuvants on the absorption and immunogenicity of HPV16 L1 VLPs in mice. 2007, Caulfield, Hum Vaccin

    This articles compares the immune response to these new adjuvants with aluminum hydroxide on mice. The authors happily conclude that both of the new adjuvants induce an immune response 3-8 greater than the immune response to aluminum hydroxide. For some reason they never mention that eightfold immune response also means an eightfold risk of the autoimmune response.

  37. A very interesting video, which explains in more detail about these new adjuvants. It explains what exactly is meant by ‘amorphous’, and how it affects the fact that each dose of the vaccine has a different amount of antigen, and why AAHS cannot be patented (it is unstable). It also speaks about the fact that the same adjuvant was used in the DTP vaccine (which is no longer used in developed countries because the side effects were too frequent), as well as in other vaccines against hepatitis (in the insert to which Merck forgot to mention this ingredient).

  38. Detection of human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 gene DNA bound to particulate aluminum adjuvant in the HPV vaccine Gardasil. 2012, Lee, J Inorg Biochem

    Despite the manufacturer’s claims that the vaccine is purified and does not contain papillomavirus DNA, all 16 of the tested doses, collected from around the world, had fragments of the virus’s DNA.
    Since these fragments are bonded with aluminum, (which is devoured and spread throughout the body through the lymphatic system by macrophages), these virus DNA fragments enter all organs, and further enhance the autoimmune response. However, there could easily be a whole live virus, not just the fragments, which will infect the whole body, instead of the usual way of infecting only the cells of the skin, vagina or throat. Moreover, because the virus is bonded with aluminum, and macrophages do not know what do to with this aluminum, DNA fragments become protected by the aluminum and are not disposed of.
    Gardasil’s papillomavirus DNA was also found in the blood and spleen of the 16-year-old girl that died six months after being vaccinated.
    In this video the author of the article explains in more detail what the papillomavirus DNA in a vaccine can lead to.
    FDA quickly declared that the presence of DNA fragments is not at all dangerous and was even expected. Although according to the documents submitted to FDA by Merck, there are no fragments there.

  39. Identification of vaccine human papillomavirus genotypes in squamous intraepithelial lesions (CIN2 - 3) 2008, González-Bosquet, Gynecol Oncol

    Among the unvaccinated women with CIN 2-3 only 28% were infected with the HPV 16 and 18 strains.
    9% of the women with CIN 2-3 did not have HPV at all (Barcelona).
    In another study, HPV was only found in 60% of the cases of invasive cervical cancer.

  40. In the period from 2006 to 2017, after being vaccinated against HPV in USA, 14,518 people went to ER, 4,795 were hospitalized, 1,924 became disabled, 324 died, 279 developed cervical dysplasia, 618 had abnormal pap smears and 129 got cervical cancer. (Data taken from VAERS, i.e. include about 1-10% of all cases).
    Three of the deceased were children under the age of three, three of the disabled were children under the age of 6, and 17 children under the age of 3 were hospitalized. All of them got this vaccine by mistake, as did at least 320 more children under the age of 9, who this vaccine was not intended for.

  41. Too fast or not too fast: the FDA's approval of Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil. 2012, Tomljenovic, J Law Med Ethics

    The process of licensing a new drug is quite long. Some drugs, however, get exceptions from the FDA and are licensed much faster, if there is reason to believe that they are very effective, safe, better than the drugs already on the market, and will improve the public health. This is called fast track. The licensing process of Gardasil went down this path and took only six months.
    This article analyses the approval process of Gardasil and proves that Gardasil does not meet any of the four criteria required to get the fast track.

  42. Pharmaceutical companies' role in state vaccination policymaking: the case of human papillomavirus vaccination. 2012, Mello, Am J Public Health

    Here the aggressive lobbying by Merck is being analyzed, and how it led to the HPV vaccine becoming mandatory is several states just a year after being licensed.
    Only 48% of completed HPV vaccine clinical trial results were published.

  43. The Cochrane HPV vaccine review was incomplete and ignored important evidence of bias. 2018, Jørgensen, BMJ Evid Based Med

    In May 2018, Cochrane published a systemic review of randomized studies of HPV vaccines.
    In late July, another Cochrane group published an article criticizing this review:
    1) The review only included 26 out 46 studies that met the criteria.
    2) All these studies used aluminum adjuvants or hepatitis vaccines as placebo.
    3) The number of serious side effects in the review did not match the published data. The authors also forgot to report that some studies did not record serious side effect that happened 14 days after the vaccination.
    4) The authors of the review planned on asking the manufacturers for the missing, unpublished data, but did not do it due to lack of time, although it has been 7 years between the publication of the protocol and the publication of the review.
    5) The review stated that all but one studies were funded by the vaccine manufacturers. However, that’s not exactly true. The last, 26th study, was also funded by the manufacturer.
    6) Most of the 14 authors of the protocol had a conflict of interest. The first author of the review also had a conflict of interest, as he was the head of observing post-marketing effects of HPV vaccination in Europe, which is sponsored by Sanofi-Pasteur (which also manufactures Gardasil).
    7) The authors of the review mention many observational studies, but for some reason forget to mention the WHO study published in 2017, which reveals serious diseases after the vaccination.
    8) The risk of death among the vaccinated was 2.36 times higher than among those who got the placebo. The authors of the review conclude that such result was accidental, despite it being statistically significant.
    The authors of the article are worried that some might begin to perceive the Cochrane organization the same way as medical journals are perceive today – as a marketing department for the pharmaceutical industry.

  44. Two interesting lectures about this vaccine:

  45. Probiotics enhance the clearance of human papillomavirus-related cervical lesions: a prospective controlled pilot study. 2013, Verhoeven, Eur J Cancer Prev

    Probiotics may help in the treatment of cervical dysplasia.
    Vitamins C, A, E, vitamin D, group B vitamins, green tea extract , turmeric and healthy vaginal flora significantly reduce the risk of dysplasia.
    That is, if you do not smoke, do not take oral contraceptives, eat well, do not destroy vaginal microflora with douching chemicals, get pap-smears once in a while, then the risk of cervical cancer, which is already very low, is reduced to almost zero without any vaccinations.

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It's not the fact that HPV causes cervical cancer.
In most cases, HPV passes by itself without any symptoms.
The risk of cervical cancer in developed countries is very low (7/100,000) , and continues to decline rapidly.
The vaccine has not prevented any case of cancer so far. (hello, evidence-based medicine)
The vaccine increases the risk of cervical dysplasia by 44% in already infected with HPV.
The vaccine contains new and unsafe aluminum adjuvants. Gardasil also contains polysorbate 80, which leads to rapid aging of reproductive organs.
There are no safety studies for vaccines that use the real placebo.
There are more effective and safer methods of preventing cervical cancer (Pap test, LEEP). Vaccination is especially dangerous for athletes.

Full-text of papers mentioned above on Google.Drive

By chapters:

Hepatitis B
Whooping cough
Haemophilus influenzae
Hepatitis A
Vitamin K
Allergies and autoimmunity
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