

DDT poisoning and elusive virus X; a new cause for gastro-enteritis. 1949, Biskind, Am J Dig Dis

The authors of the article published in 1949, write that a new, strange syndrome has appeared in the USA in the recent years, which is most likely caused by some kind of infection, and got called ‘virus X’. The syndrome is accompanied by acute gastroenteritis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, runny nose, cough, sore throat, joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue and paralysis. It turned out later that all of these symptoms were caused by DDT. Paralysis from DDT is similar to poliomyelitis. Although DDT is a lethal poison, it is considered completely safe in all doses. It is used in every house in unlimited quantities. It is sprayed on skin, on bed and clothes, on food and utensils, on agricultural crops and livestock. DDT is a cumulative poison. Many small doses are equally as lethal as one large dose. DDT cannot be removed from food, as it accumulates in fat cells and is excreted in breast milk. Large-scale intoxication of American population is inevitable.


High toxicity of DDT, and even its ability to cause paralysis, was already known in 1945, which did not prevent it from being widely used in the 50s and 60s. DDT was only banned in 1972 in the USA, after causing an almost complete extinction of eagles, pelicans and other birds. Poliovirus replicates much faster in human cells treated with DDT. Other insecticides have a similar effect. Another insecticide, which was widely used before DDT, was arsenic, the poisoning by which also causes paralysis.


Effects of insecticides on mammalian cells and virus infections. 1969, Gabliks, Ann N Y Acad Sci

В человеческих клетках, обработанных ДДТ, полиовирус размножается намного быстрее. Другие инсектициды имеют похожий эффект.
Здесь сообщается, что клетки, обработанные различными инсектицидами, становятся более восприимчивы к полиовирусу.


The history of arsenical pesticides and health risks related to the use of Agent Blue. 2017, Bencko, Ann Agric Environ Med

Другим инсектицидом, который широко использовался до ДДТ был мышьяк, отравление которым тоже приводит к параличу.
Здесь исследование среди парализованных рабочих металлургического комбината в Пакистане. Оказалось, что у них в крови, моче и волосах уровень мышьяка, кадмия, свинца и марганца был выше, чем у непарализованных.
Здесь сообщается, что отравление свинцом выглядит также как полиомиелит.


The poison cause of poliomyelitis and obstructions to its investigation. 1952, Scobey, Arch Pediatr

A 1952 article analyzes dozens of cases and outbreaks of poliomyelitis, in which paralysis was caused by poisoning with lead, arsenic, mercury, cyanide, pesticides, carbon monoxide, etc. It is also reported that vitamin C, which effectively treats poliomyelitis, has been used to treat poisoning. The author writes that epidemics of pellagra and beriberi were observed earlier, and thus it was believed that these were infectious diseases. Since poliomyelitis was legally recognized as a contagious and infectious disease in 1911, only virologists dealt with it, and ordinary doctors could not participate in the research. It is also the reason why studies to determine whether poisoning could cause poliomyelitis are not being funded.


Двухминутный ролик о том, как детей защищают от полиомиелита обильно распыляя их ДДТ, и как африканцев пытаются убедить, что ДДТ совершенно безопасен, добавляя его в пищу. Еще два одноминутных ролика: [1], [2]. Стоит посмотреть, и сравнить с современной пропагандой.
Подробная и интересная статья о связи полиомиелита и пестицидов.

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