

Gut: An underestimated target organ for Aluminum. 2016, Vignal, Morphologie

38% of orally consumed aluminum accumulates in the intestinal mucosa.
Even though the intestines absorb only a small amount of aluminum, 2% of aluminum entering the blood remains in the body and accumulates with age.
Aluminum is probably associated with inflammatory bowel disease.
Adults consume most of the aluminum with hot drinks (except coffee) and vegetables (except potato); children also consume it with pasta and confectionary; and babies get it from the formulas, which contain hundreds of times more aluminum than cow milk. Other sources of aluminum are dishes, packaging, antacids and analgesics.
Acid rains lower the pH of the soil, increasing the solubility of aluminum, and from such soil aluminum gets into water, plants and animals.


Antacids and dietary supplements with an influence on the gastric pH increase the risk for food sensitization. 2010, Pali-Schöll, Clin Exp Allergy

Aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate are also used as antacids (used to treat heartburn and some other gastrointestinal diseases, many of which are sold without prescription), which in turn leads to allergies.

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