

Influenza vaccination compliance among health care workers in a German university hospital. 2009, Wicker, Infection

For more than 20 years, German health care workers have been pushed to be vaccinated for influenza, but only 39% of doctors and 17% of nurses are vaccinated. They are afraid of adverse effects, believe that the vaccine can cause the disease, and do not believe in its efficacy. (Berlin, Germany)

Vitamin K

Vitamin K prophylaxis to prevent neonatal vitamin K deficient intracranial haemorrhage in Shizuoka prefecture. 1996, Nishiguchi, Br J Obstet Gynaecol

In Japan, the incidence rate of intracranial hemorrhage was 1 in 4,000 babies before using vitamin K. In Germany and the United Kingdom, where vitamin K has been used, the likelihood of hemorrhage was 1 in 30,000. The blood coagulability status in infants was significantly higher when vitamin K2 was given to nursing mothers (15 mg/day from the 14th day after giving birth for two weeks).

Vitamin K

Vitamin K1 content of maternal milk: the influence of the stage of lactation, lipid composition, and vitamin K1 supplements given to the mother. 1987, von Kries, Pediatr Res

Comparison of fore and hind milk from the mothers revealed higher vitamin K1 concentrations in hindmilk, suggesting that the lipid content influences the vitamin K1 concentration in maternal milk. Samples of maternal milk from nine mothers collected from day 1 to day 36 of lactation showed significantly higher vitamin K1 concentrations in colostral milk than in mature milk.
Vitamin K supplementation in the mother’s diet (0.5–3 mg) significantly increased the vitamin K concentration in milk.


Increased Risk for Meningococcal Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in the United States, 2012-2015. 2017, Folaranmi, Clin Infect Dis

The risk of meningococcal infection in homosexuals in 4 times higher, than in heterosexual people. HIV positive homosexuals suffer from meningococcal disease 10 times more often, than HIV negative ones. 45% of meningococcus patients reported multiple partners and participation in anonymous sex.
Among homosexuals, 32% smoke (as compared to 18% among adults in the USA), and 48% are drug users (as compared to an average of 10%).
In New York and Southern California, the risk of meningococcal infection among homosexuals was 50 times higher, than in general; in Germany, it was 13 times higher; and in Paris – 10 times higher.
24% of homosexuals are carriers of meningococcus, as compared to 6% of heterosexual women. Among homosexuals, who have had oral-anal contact recently, 43% were carriers.
Meningococcus was also found in the anal canal in 4.5% of homosexuals.
A new strain of meningococcus that can be transmitted sexually was discovered in 2016.
CDC reports that in 2016, 57% of men over 16 years of age infected with meningococcus, reported homosexual relations. More: [1] [2] [3].


Tuberculosis in Newborns: The Lessons of the "Lübeck Disaster". 2016, Fox, PLoS Pathog

In an accident later known as the Lübeck disaster, 251 neonates were orally given three doses of the new Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) antituberculosis (TB) vaccine contaminated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A total of 173 infants developed clinical or radiological signs of TB but survived the infection, while 72 died from TB. It was later determined that the BCG vaccine had been contaminated with variable amounts of fully virulent M. tuberculosis.
Three lessons that can be learned from the Lübeck disaster. First, while mortality was high (approximately 29%), the majority of neonates inoculated with M. tuberculosis eventually overcame TB disease. This shows the high constitutional resistance of humans to the bacillus. Second, while at low levels of M. tuberculosis there was a large spread of clinical phenotypes reflecting a good degree of innate resistance to TB, at the highest dose, the majority of neonates were highly susceptible to TB. This shows the dominating role of dose for innate resistance to TB. Third, two infants inoculated with the lowest dose nevertheless died of TB, and their median time from inoculation to death was substantially shorter than for those who died after inoculation with higher doses. This suggests that infants who developed disease after low dose inoculation are those who are most susceptible to the disease.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A virus infections and outbreaks in asylum seekers arriving to Germany, September 2015 to March 2016. 2017, Michaelis, Emerg Microbes Infect

The number of hepatitis A cases in Germany, which was continuously decreasing, increased by 45% in 2015-16, while the average age of patients decreased significantly. It turned out to be because of the million refugees that Germany took in.

Hepatitis A

Ongoing outbreaks of hepatitis A among men who have sex with men (MSM), Berlin, November 2016 to January 2017 - linked to other German cities and European countries. 2017, Werber, Euro Surveill

Outbreak in Berlin. 38 cases, 37 men, 30 reported homosexual relationships. The woman also reported same-sex relationships. One of the patients was vaccinated 11 months prior to the onset of the disease.
Outbreak in Rome and surrounding area. 513 cases, 87.5% of them men.
Outbreak in Tel Aviv. 19 cases, 17 of them homosexuals. [1]
Altogether, 1,500 cases of hepatitis A were registered in 16 European countries, and 2,600 unconfirmed cases, mainly among homosexuals.
11,212 cases of disease were registered in Europe between January and August, 2017, mainly among homosexuals.
The WHO also reports an outbreak among homosexuals in Chile.


Risk of febrile convulsions after MMRV vaccination in comparison to MMR or MMR+V vaccination. 2014, Schink, Vaccine

The same was found in Germany, where a different vaccine was used (Priorix-Tetra). MMRV is associated with a four times increase in the risk of febrile seizures as compared to MMR, and 3.5 increase as compared to MMR+V.


Sexually transmitted diphtheria. 2013, Berger, Sex Transm Infect

The first case of infection with diphtheria through oral sex. A man, an immigrant from the USSR who lives in Germany, went to a male sex worker, and received from him with a blowjob also urethritis in addition with diphtheria. France), diphtheria has become more frequent in the last few years than in other developed countries (several cases per year).The reason for this is too liberal policy of these countries regarding reception of migrants from the countries of the third world.


Sudden and unexpected deaths after the administration of hexavalent vaccines 2005, von Kries, Eur J Pediatr

The authors researched the mortality rate following administration of two hexavalent vaccines (Infanrix Hexa and Hexavac) in Germany. For children in the second year of life, the mortality rate within 24 hours of Hexavac was 31 times higher than expected.
The authors note that the number of cases of SIDS occurring a few days after vaccination is likely to be underestimated, as these cases are not reported to the Paul Erlich Institute (which documents cases of vaccination adverse events). For example, only one of the six SIDS cases that occurred within two weeks after hexavalent vaccination was reported. This case occurred within 24 hours after the vaccination.


A modified self-controlled case series method to examine association between multidose vaccinations and death. 2011, Kuhnert, Stat Med

The authors analyzed 300 death cases in Germany using a new statistical method and found that the fourth dose of the penta- or hexavalent vaccine was associated with a 16-fold increase in the risk of SIDS, and any dose of the vaccine was associated with a 2-fold increase in the risk.


Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination. 2006, Zinka, Vaccine

In six SIDS cases that occurred within 48 hours of being vaccinated with a hexavalent vaccine, autopsies were performed in Munich Institute. 5 of the infants were vaccinated with Hexavac and one with Infanrix Hexa. In addition to neuropathological and histological abnormalities, an unusual swelling of the brain was evident in all cases.
Brain weight gain due to edema or hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels) is mainly observed after DTP vaccination. Two of the three tested for tryptase showed very high levels.
The authors conclude that after the introduction of hexavalent vaccine, the number of SIDS deaths immediately after vaccination increased 13 times.

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