Atopic Dermatitis


Chickenpox in childhood is associated with decreased atopic disorders, IgE, allergic sensitization, and leukocyte subsets. 2012, Silverberg, Pediatr Allergy Immunol

Varicella at the age under 8 years is associated with the decrease in the risk of asthma by 88%, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis by 84%, atopic dermatitis by 43%, allergic sensitization by 89%.
In those who have been sick with varicella, the level of IgE (antibodies responsible for allergic reactions) remains low for more than 10 years after the disease.
9% of children in USA suffer from asthma, and 17% suffer from atopic dermatitis.


Association between varicella zoster virus infection and atopic dermatitis in early and late childhood: a case-control study. 2010, Silverberg, J Allergy Clin Immunol

Varicella in childhood is associated with a 45% decrease in the risk of atopic dermatitis, and 96% for severe atopic dermatitis.
Children, who suffered from atopic dermatitis despite having had varicella in childhood, see a doctor for dermatitis 83% less.
Varicella vaccine, despite it being a live one, does not provide protection from asthma or allergies.
The authors conclude that varicella vaccine might have contributed to a sharp increase in the incidence of atopic dermatitis.
Studies proving economic benefits of varicella vaccination did not take into account an increase in the incidence of atopic dermatitis. Since the protective effect of chickenpox against atopic dermatitis lasts about 8-10 years, it might be worthwhile waiting to vaccinate until that age, which would increase the economic benefit of vaccination, providing herd immunity at the same time.

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