Hepatitis B

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01-08-2017 14:18
  1. If there were anything more stupid than vaccinating a teenager against HPV, it certainly would be vaccinating a newborn baby against hepatitis B.

  2. As is HPV, hepatitis B is a virus, which is most commonly spread through sexual contact or through the blood. If the mother is infected with hepatitis B, the virus can pass to the baby through the placenta, or during delivery. Hepatitis B does not pass through breast milk. [1] [2]

  3. 80% of the infected adults show no symptoms or very mild ones, and they do not even know that they have been ill. After having been infected they get lifelong immunity.
    Of the remaining 20% of those diagnosed with hepatitis B, 95% recover fully and get lifelong immunity.
    Of the remaining 5%, only 25% (that is 0.25% of all those infected) will develop cirrhosis of the liver or cancer in 20-30 years after the infection. This cirrhosis or cancer does not develop because of the virus itself, but rather because of the immune response to it.
    70% of patients with hepatitis B are drug addicts, gay people, alcoholics, homeless people and people with many sexual partners.
    Hepatitis B develops into cirrhosis or cancer mainly in alcoholics, smokers, patients with hepatitis C, obesity and diabetes.

  4. Why vaccinate a newborn baby against an STD, which they virtually have no chance of contracting? Well, simply because the adult drug addicts and gay people refused to get vaccinated. Therefore, it was decided to vaccinate children immediately after birth, while they are not yet able to refuse. Most family doctors and pediatricians did not support this venture. [1], [2]

  5. Three doses of the vaccine are usually given: immediately after birth, at one and six months old. This is the only vaccine that is given immediately after delivery. It is not done to prevent the possibility of contracting the infection from the mother. In the USA and other countries, all women get tested for hepatitis B before childbirth. Children of infected mothers receive immunoglobulin (antibodies) together with the vaccine.
    In some countries, however, all children get vaccinated just because it is much cheaper than testing all mothers.

  6. Epidemiology of Hepatitis B in the United States. 2009, Ray Kim, Hepatology

    Prior to the onset of universal infant vaccination, in 1990, only 1 out of 100,000 children under the age of 15 had hepatitis B in the USA. Currently, the risk of getting infected with hepatitis B at any age under 20 years old is 0.3 in one million. In developed countries, hepatitis B is a rare disease. In Africa and Southeast Asia, it is much more common.

  7. The first hepatitis B vaccine appeared in 1981. It was made with a live virus, and after its introduction, the number of people infected with hepatitis B increased rapidly. A 1994 study determined that despite the existence of the vaccine, the number of patients with hepatitis B was not decreasing.

  8. There are quite a few manufacturers of this vaccine, but in developed countries, Recombivax (Merck) and Engerix-B (GSK) are most commonly used, as well as combined vaccines.
    Engerix-B contains aluminum hydroxide, and Recombivax contains Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate (AAHS, the same adjuvant that Gardasil has). Recombivax has twice as much aluminum (500 µg vs. 250 µg). Previously, the Recombivax package insert indicated that it contains aluminum hydroxide. Now they put it this way: 0.5 mg of aluminum provided as aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, previously referred to as aluminum hydroxide. This goes to the question how trustworthy the list of vaccine ingredients is.
    Viruses for both vaccines are grown in yeast, which is why they contain 1% of yeast protein, which may well lead to a yeast allergy.

  9. In most European countries, newborns are not vaccinated against hepatitis B, but they are vaccinated 2-3 months after birth. In some countries (Finland, Iceland, Denmark, Hungary) children are not vaccinated] against hepatitis B at all, and yet there are no epidemics there. On the contrary, the mortality rate from hepatitis B in them is much lower than the average for Europe.

  10. Effectiveness

  11. Evaluation of the Protection Provided by Hepatitis B Vaccination in India. 2018, Puliyel, Indian J Pediatr

    In India, where hepatitis B is quite common, there is no difference in the effectiveness of the vaccine if given at birth, or at the age of six weeks.
    The risk of chronic infection is 90% when infected at the age of less than one year, 30% if infected at the age of 1-5 years and 2% for adults.
    The incidence of hepatitis in India is 2.4%, which should result in 250,000 deaths from hepatocellular carcinoma. However, only 5,000 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma per year are recorded in India (0.02% of all deaths), which is much less than expected.
    At the age of one year, 45% of unvaccinated children had natural immunity against hepatitis B. By the age of 4-5 years the number of antibodies of vaccinated children decreased, and was only insignificantly higher than that of the unvaccinated children. The authors believe that unvaccinated children are probably protected by the mother’s antibodies, which disappear only years after birth, and not within 9 months, as is commonly believed.
    The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in the USA began to rise rapidly in the early 90s and by 2007 it already increased more than twofold.

  12. Long-term immunogenicity and efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine in homosexual men. 1986, Hadler, N Engl J Med

    773 homosexuals were given hepatitis vaccination and observed for five years.
    82% had sufficient level of antibodies after the vaccination. By the end of the observation period, the antibodies disappeared in 15% of them, and decreased below the protective level in 27%.
    55 contracted hepatitis, 5 became chronic patients. Those infected had 29 non-regular sexual partners on average, whereas those who did not get infected had 11.5.

  13. Vertical HBV transmission in Jerusalem in the vaccine era. 2012, Michaiel, Harefuah

    In Israel, the rate of infected with hepatitis B has not changed compared with 1977 and 1991. In Arab women, the virus is found 4 times more often.
    Despite vaccination, 8.4% of children were infected by their mothers.

  14. Hepatitis B immunisation for newborn infants of hepatitis B surface antigen-positive mothers 2006, Lee, Cochrane Database Syst Rev

    According Cochrane systematic review, the vaccine effectiveness in preventing infection from the mother is 72%, immunoglobulin effectiveness is 50%, and vaccine + immunoglobulin have 92% effectiveness. No statistically significant difference was found between vaccination immediately after birth and vaccination at 1 month of age. A single dose of immunoglobulin was as effective as multiple doses.
    Another study reports that less than 4% of babies born to infected mothers contracted hepatitis B in utero. The presence of HBeAg increased the risk of infection by 17 times. That is, the risk of infection without HBeAg was less than 1%, and with HBeAg - 9.8%. HbsAg titer and the DNA virus concentration were significantly associated with intrauterine infection.

  15. Chronic hepatitis B infection in adolescents who received primary infantile vaccination. 2013, Wu, Hepatology

    15-year-old teenagers, vaccinated in childhood, were tested for the level of hepatitis B antibodies, and it turned out to be very low. That is, the immunity from vaccination ends before the onset of sexual activity, when it finally becomes necessary.
    According to another study, antibodies already disappear by the age of five.

  16. Persistence of an antibody in a healthcare worker vaccinated against hepatitis B. 1990, Street, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol

    In 4 years after the vaccination the level of antibodies in 50% of vaccinated physicians decreased below the protective level.
    In 36% of vaccinated physicians the level of antibodies was below the protective level within 3 years.

  17. Hepatitis B immunization induces higher antibody and memory Th2 responses in new-borns than in adults. 2004, Ota, Vaccine

    Unlike with other vaccines, babies vaccinated against hepatitis B produce more antibodies than adults, but less interferon gamma. Meaning that the immune response in infants is biased towards the humoral immunity as compared to adults (see the chapter about whooping cough). The same was found with the oral polio vaccine.
    Revaccination in adults causes a cellular immunity response, whereas in infants it does not.
    Those who received BCG vaccine at birth together with hepatitis B vaccine had significantly more antibodies at the age of 12 months than those who received BCG at the age of 4.5 months.

  18. Safety

  19. Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of multiple sclerosis: a prospective study. 2004, Hernán, Neurology

    Hepatitis B vaccine is associated with threefold risk of multiple sclerosis three years after vaccination.
    Other studies, the ones that did not find an increased risk of multiple sclerosis in those vaccinated, are analyzed there as well. Here, for example, is a study, which did not find an increased risk. This is because they used the date of diagnosis, and not the date of the first symptoms. Multiple sclerosis is usually diagnosed several years after the onset of symptoms.

  20. Hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of CNS inflammatory demyelination in childhood. 2009, Mikaeloff, Neurology

    The Engerix-B vaccine is associated with a 2.77 times increase in the risk of multiple sclerosis, as compared to other hepatitis B vaccines.

  21. Evolution of multiple sclerosis in France since the beginning of hepatitis B vaccination. 2014, Le Houézec, Immunol Res

    After hepatitis B vaccination began in France, the incidence of multiple sclerosis cases increased by 65%. There is a high correlation (0.93/0.73) between the number of doses of the vaccine taken and the number of cases of multiple sclerosis in 1-2 years.

  22. A case-control study of serious autoimmune adverse events following hepatitis B immunization. 2005, Geier, Autoimmunity

    VAERS analysis. Adults vaccinated against hepatitis B got multiple sclerosis 5.2 times more often than those vaccinated against tetanus. The risk of vasculitis was 2.6 times higher, alopecia – 7.2 times, lupus – 9 times, arthritis – 2 times, rheumatoid arthritis – 18 times, thrombocytopenia – 2 times, inflammation of optic nerve – 14 times higher.

  23. Adverse events associated with hepatitis B vaccine in U.S. children less than six years of age, 1993 and 1994. 2001, Fisher, Ann Epidemiol

    Hepatitis B vaccine is associated with a 5.9 times increase in the risk of arthritis, 1.6 times increase in the risk of otitis media, and 1.4 increase in the risk of pharyngitis.

  24. Hepatitis B vaccine and liver problems in U.S. children less than 6 years old, 1993 and 1994. 1999, Fisher, Epidemiology

    For those vaccinated against hepatitis B the risk of liver disease was increased by 1.5-2.3 times.

  25. Hepatitis B vaccination of male neonates and autism diagnosis, NHIS 1997-2002. 2010, Gallagher, J Toxicol Environ Health A

    Newborn boys vaccinated against hepatitis had a 3 times higher risk of developing autism spectrum disorder, as compared to unvaccinated, or vaccinated at least one month after birth.

  26. Delayed acquisition of neonatal reflexes in newborn primates receiving a thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccine: the impact of gestational age and birth weight. 2010, Hewitson, J Toxicol Environ Health A

    Newborn macaques were given a hepatitis B vaccine with thimerosal and were compared to the unvaccinated ones.
    Vaccinated macaques acquired survival reflexes, as well as motor and sensory-motor reflexes much later than the unvaccinated ones. Low weight and preterm labor exacerbated the effect.
    Thimerosal (ethylmercury) has not been added to the vaccines since 2003 in the USA and Western Europe, but is still used in other countries, such as Canada, for example. Not to mention Russia, Eastern Europe and third world countries.

  27. Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in US children aged 1-9 years. 2008, Gallagher, Toxicol Environ Chem

    The risk of developmental delay was 9 times higher for those vaccinated against hepatitis B than for the unvaccinated ones.

  28. Clustering of Cases of IDDM 2 to 4 Years after Hepatitis B Immunization is Consistent with Clustering after Infections and Progression to IDDM in Autoantibody Positive Individuals. 2008, Classen, Open Pediatr Med J

    After the start of the vaccination campaign, the number of children with type 1 diabetes in France increased by 61%, and by 48% in New Zealand. In Italy, those vaccinated against hepatitis B had type 1 diabetes 40% more often than those unvaccinated.
    The increase in the number of cases of type 1 diabetes occurs 2-4 years after the vaccination have started, which hints at causal relationship.

  29. Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, the following immunization with the hepatitis B vaccine: another angle of the 'autoimmune (auto-inflammatory) syndrome induced by adjuvants' (ASIA). 2014, Agmon-Levin, Immunol Res

    Hepatitis B vaccine is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

  30. Autoimmunity following hepatitis B vaccine as part of the spectrum of 'Autoimmune (Auto-inflammatory) Syndrome induced by Adjuvants' (ASIA): analysis of 93 cases. 2012, Zafrir, Lupus

    ASIA, or Schonfeld syndrome, is the general term for autoimmune diseases caused by adjuvants, and includes the autoimmune effects of aluminum adjuvants, Gulf war syndrome, Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) and silicosis (autoimmune effects of silicone implants). It leads to neurological and psychiatric symptoms, cognitive impairment, muscle pains, arthritis, chronic fatigue, insomnia, problems with vision and gastrointestinal tract, etc.
    93 cases associated with hepatitis B vaccine are analyzed here.

  31. Vaccine-induced autoimmunity. 1996, Cohen, J Autoimmun

    Autoimmune diseases such as Reiter’s syndrome, arthritis, lupus, chorioretinitis, myasthenia, erythema nodosum, thrombocytopenic purpura, Evans syndrome, and demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system are associated with hepatitis B vaccination.

  32. In vivo study of hepatitis B vaccine effects on inflammation and metabolism gene expression. 2012, Hamza, Mol Biol Rep

    Epigenetic effect of the vaccine. Mice were given one or two hepatitis B vaccines (at the appropriate dose). One day later, they had significant changes in the expression of 144 genes in the liver. The authors analyzed 7 of them in detail. All changes were negative and led to mild liver injury, mainly due to aluminum.

  33. Hepatitis B vaccine induces apoptotic death in Hepa1-6 cells. 2012, Hamza, Apoptosis

    Hepatitis B vaccine destroys mitochondria and kills liver cells in mice.

  34. A study of molecular mimicry and immunological cross-reactivity between hepatitis B surface antigen and myelin mimics. 2005, Bogdanos, Clin Dev Immunol

    Hepatitis B virus antigen is similar in shape to the proteins found in myelin. After vaccination, 60% of people develop a cross-reactive response to myelin proteins, which weakens over time.
    This mechanism of molecular mimicry explains why multiple sclerosis can occur after hepatitis B vaccination.
    Memory impairment, decreased blood cell count and brain gliosis were observed in mice vaccinated with Engerix-B or aluminum hydroxide. Vaccination also aggravated the course of kidney disease.
    Neurobehavioral abnormalities due to pro-inflammatory processes in hippocampus, induced by the skewing of immune system into Th2, were observed in adult mice that were vaccinated against hepatitis B as newborns.

  35. Trained immunity in newborn infants of HBV-infected mothers. 2015, Hong, Nature Comm

    Hepatitis B, passed from mother to child, might, contrary to the popular belief, lead to better development of the immune system.

  36. Autoimmune hazards of hepatitis B vaccine. 2005, Girard, Autoimmun Rev

    A review article about autoimmune effects of hepatitis B vaccination, and how this vaccine is connected to evidence-based medicine (not connected at all).
    Here are the descriptions of 60 cases of hair loss after vaccinations, mainly in women. Most cases happened after the hepatitis B vaccine.

  37. Clinical trials of the safety of Recombivax were conducted on 147 infants and children, as well as 1,252 adults, and lasted 5 days after each dose. There was no control group.
    Clinical trials of the safety of Engerix-B lasted 4 days after each dose. There was no control group.

  38. VAERS recorded 1,540 deaths, 600 cases of disability and 8,675 cases of serious complications in children under the age of 1 year after the hepatitis B vaccine (meaning that the real number is 10-100 times higher). Infants do not die due to the hepatitis B itself, of course.

  39. These charts show the numbers of disease and death from hepatitis B, before and after the start of vaccination in the USA. Data provided by the CDC.

  40. Ayurvedic medicine seems to cure acute and chronic hepatitis B.
    Hepatitis B can also be cured with vitamin C. Moringa as well. And desmodium.
    Hepatitis B might also be cured with vitamin C. [Baur, 1954], [Kirchmair, 1957], [Calleja, 1960], [Morishige, 1978], [Smith, 1988]

  41. How do the vaccination advocate argue the need for this vaccination for infants? Let’s listen to Paul Offit.
    His first argument is that the child can get infected from the mother while passing through the birth canal. In this case, however, the vaccine would be ineffective – the child needs immunoglobulin. In addition, all pregnant women in the USA are screened for hepatitis.
    The second argument is that the child can get infected from someone else’s toothbrush, or from some uncle. This way of contracting the infection is purely theoretical. There is not a single study proving that anyone has contracted hepatitis B this way.
    The third argument is that those who get the vaccine immediately after birth are more likely to finish the entire series of three vaccinations. No comments.

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Vaccinating children against hepatitis B only makes sense if you are planning on a career in prostitution for them, or if the child shows homosexual inclinations, or if you fear that the child will become a drug addict.
And even then, it makes no sense to vaccinate newborns, but would be worth waiting till the age of 18 years. The probability of contracting hepatitis B before the start of sexual activity is virtually zero.
The vaccine contains 250-550 μg of aluminum. That is, three doses of this vaccine contain 15-30 times more aluminum than all the aluminum the child will get from breast milk in six months. By the way, the fact that babies get aluminum from mother’s milk does not mean that it is normal. It means that mothers are poisoned with aluminum, which they get from food and water, and are poisoning their babies with it.
The vaccine increases risk of autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, type 1 diabetes and others.

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By chapters:

Hepatitis B
Whooping cough
Haemophilus influenzae
Hepatitis A
Vitamin K
Allergies and autoimmunity
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