DTP Vaccine

Whooping cough

Since the 1950s, a single vaccine against pertussis is not manufactured. Instead, it is always administered as part of a combined vaccine that also includes diphtheria and tetanus. This vaccine, DTP, is a whole-cell pertussis vaccine (plus diphtheria and tetanus). This means that it contains whole bacteria, which have been killed with formalin. While this vaccine has not been used in developed countries since 2001 because of its reactogenicity, it is still used throughout the rest of the world.

DTaP, on the other hand, is an acellular pertussis vaccine, meaning that instead of containing whole bacteria, it merely contains individual bacterial membranes and the pertussis toxin. This vaccine is intended for children, administered in five doses at 2, 4, 6, and 15 months and at 5 to 6 years. In recent years, some countries have also introduced a sixth dose of the vaccine.

Tdap is a DTaP-like vaccine with a reduced amount of diphtheria and pertussis antigen designed for adults. Today, however, DTaP is rarely used; most countries have switched to five- and six-valent vaccines, which also intend to immunize the subject against hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and Hib.

The whole-cell vaccine (DTP), which can cause a large number of neurological side effects, is the most dangerous vaccine that has ever existed.

Whooping cough

The True Story of Pertussis Vaccination: A Sordid Legacy? 2002, Geier, J Hist Med Allied Sci.

A long but informative article on the history of the pertussis vaccine. If you still believe that the main goal of pharmaceutical companies is to create effective and safe drugs, this article might make you see things differently; we highly recommend reading it!
- The pertussis toxin is added to the whole-cell vaccine. This toxin increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, rendering this barrier more penetrable to other toxins and viruses. In fact, the pertussis toxin itself is a neurotoxin.
- Since the 1930s, it has been known that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTP) is somewhat dangerous and can lead to neurological consequences.
- Since the 1950s, scientists analysed DTP vaccine toxicity in mice, evaluating toxicity based on mice survival and weight. In 1963, it became apparent that there was no correlation between the results in mice and the number of neurological consequences in children.
- In addition to the pertussis toxin (an exotoxin – a toxin that is secreted by a living bacterium), the vaccine component itself contains an endotoxin (a toxin released from a bacterium only after its decay). This endotoxin, whose presence was carefully concealed by the vaccine manufacturers, is in fact, very toxic.
- In an article from 1953, it was stated that practically every vaccinated child suffered systemic intoxication, with often permanent CNS lesions.
- The first acellular vaccine appeared in 1937. While it was widely used in the 1940s, it was later discontinued as the company did not want to invest in clinical trials. In the 1960s and 1970s, other acellular vaccines were widely used, but also got withdrawn from production due to their higher costs.
- After two babies died from vaccination in Japan, the Japanese developed the acellular vaccine that has been used since 1981.
- Sweden banned the whole-cell vaccine in the late 1970s. From 1970 to 1985, no child died of pertussis.
- In Tennessee in 1979, four children died after being vaccinated with the same lot of the pertussis vaccine. At this point, the CDC discovered that the vaccine was associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). While the director of the vaccine department of the FDA was on vacation, the FDA decided to withdraw the entire lot from circulation. However, when the director returned, he ordered that the whole lot be returned for distribution, apologizing to the pharmaceutical companies and promising them that it would not happen again. After this incident, manufacturers stopped sending entire lots to the same place, and instead, began distributing each lot throughout the country.
- This paper is also about how the pertussis vaccine led to the approval of a law for compensating victims of vaccinations. It also mentions how the Department of Health does everything possible to not compensate the injured, how almost all vaccine experts have a conflict of interest, and how the experts of committees investigating vaccine side effects are selected, and much more. The United States switched to the safer, acellular vaccine in 2001, 60 years after it was developed, and 20 years after Japan started using it. Nonetheless, not only is the whole-cell vaccine still licensed in the US, but pharmaceutical companies still sell the vaccine to the WHO, who then distribute it to other countries whose residents are improperly informed about the potential risks.

Whooping cough

Delay in diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccination is associated with a reduced risk of childhood asthma. 2008, McDonald, J Allergy Clin Immunol

In an analysis of 11,000 children who received a whole-cell vaccine in Canada, those who received the first dose of the vaccine two months later than usual developed asthma far less often (2-fold lower chance). Furthermore, those who received all three doses of the vaccine later in childhood had a 2.5-fold lower risk of developing asthma.
This phenomenon is due to the fact that the immune reaction shifts towards Th2. The exact cause of asthma is not yet known, but according to one of the prevailing theories, asthma is caused by increased hygiene. When children grow up in an extremely sterile environment, they do not come into contact with bacteria. This leads to the production of IgE antibodies. These IgE antibodies are responsible for asthma, allergies, dermatitis, and other problems that are much more common in vaccinated children. This is because vaccinations shift immunity towards Th2, which happens directly (due to vaccine antigens), and indirectly (due to protection against bacteria).

Whooping cough

Effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis or tetanus vaccination on allergies and allergy-related respiratory symptoms among children and adolescents in the United States. 2000, Hurwitz, J Manipulative Physiol Ther

The vaccinated had asthma twice as often as the unvaccinated. The authors believe that 50% of asthma cases (2.9 million) in US children and adolescents would be prevented if the DTP or tetanus vaccination was not administered. More: [1]

Whooping cough

Early childhood infection and atopic disorder. 1998, Farooqi, Thorax

In vaccinated with whole-cell vaccine, the risk of allergy was 76% higher. In those who took antibiotics in the first two years of life, the risk of allergy was 2 times higher.
Taking one course of antibiotics increased the risk of developing an allergy by 85%, two courses of antibiotics increased the risk 3-fold, and three courses of antibiotics increased the risk 8-fold.
Those who had measles and had not received the vaccine, had a 45% lower risk of developing an allergy (note: in this case there was no statistical significance).

Whooping cough

Pertussis vaccination and asthma: is there a link? 1994, Odent, JAMA

Those individuals who had been vaccinated with a whole-cell vaccine, had a 5.4-fold greater chance of developing asthma compared to unvaccinated individuals.

Whooping cough

Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome. 1983, Baraff, Pediatr Infect Dis

The DTP vaccine has been associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in Los Angeles, and visits to the doctor have also been associated with SIDS.

Whooping cough

Severity of whooping cough in England before and after the decline in pertussis immunization. 1984, Pollock, Arch Dis Child

After the vaccination coverage in England fell sharply due to fear of the DTP vaccine, the number of pertussis cases and pertussis-related deaths fell 4-fold.

Whooping cough

Films and Lectures:
DPT Vaccine Roulette A 1982 film about the DTP vaccine was shown on NBC. The main point of this film was to explain that the US switched to the acellular vaccine, and that the legislation related to vaccination was completely changed. It's impossible to imagine that this is shown on TV.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


Attributable risk of DTP (diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccine) injection in provoking paralytic poliomyelitis during a large outbreak in Oman. 1992, Sutter, J Infect Dis

Nothing changed since the 1950s, however. There was a poliomyelitis outbreak in Oman in 1988-1989, despite the 87% vaccination coverage. No association between the number of vaccine doses and paralysis was found. However, a lot more children who received a DTP vaccine within past 30 days got sick. 25% of children got sick because of the DTP vaccine. In 1993, 89% of 152 children suffering from paralytic poliomyelitis received an unnecessary injection 48 hours prior to the onset of paralysis. Almost always the paralysis developed at the injection site. Other studies in Pakistan showed a similar pattern. The same was observed in India.

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