Heart attack


Dual role of infections as risk factors for coronary heart disease. 2007, Pesonen, Atherosclerosis

Measles is associated with a 30% reduction in the risk of heart attack, chickenpox – with 33% reduction, scarlet fever – with 31%, mumps – with 25% reduction, rubella – with 9%, and mononucleosis – with 33%. The more of these infectious diseases a person suffered in childhood, the lower the likelihood of a heart attack. In those who had a single disease, the risk of heart attack was lower by 35%. Two childhood diseases reduce the risk by 40%, three by 47%, four and five diseases by 54%, and all six of these diseases together reduced the risk of heart attack by 89%.
In those who suffered from a heart attack, the LDL ("bad cholesterol") level was 2.41 mmol/L. On the contrary, in the control group (who did not have a heart attack), it was 3.67 mmol/L (statins, anyone?)

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