Nephrotic syndrome


Еffect of measles on the nephrotic syndrome. 1947, Blumberg, Am J Dis Child

5 patients with nephrotic syndrome contracted measles. In two of them, the syndrome had resolved after recovery from measles. Three others only had a temporary improvement.
The authors analyzed the medical literature, and found a few more cases of nephrotic syndrome resolution after measles, and more common cases of temporary improvement.
The authors report that measles happen to be the most effective treatment for nephrotic syndrome of all the methods they have used.


A notable case of nephrosis. 1978, Gairdner, Arch Dis Child

This article describes a severe case of nephrotic syndrome in English ten-year-old boy in 1916. The child was sick for many months and was in a critical condition. The doctors estimated he would not survive, and his family had already bought mourning clothes. But suddenly he got measles, and recovered from nephrotic syndrome completely. For years after that, he wore his brothers` mourning costumes. In adulthood, this child became a famous pediatrician, a professor, and a president of the national pediatric association.

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