
Vitamin K

Vitamin K in preterm breastmilk with maternal supplementation. 1998, Bolisetty, Acta Paediatr

Six nursing mothers received 2.5 mg/day of vitamin K1 orally for 2 weeks. After the first dose, the average concentration of vitamin K in their breastmilk increased from 3 µg/l to 23 µg/ml, and it stabilized at 64 µg/l after 6 days.


Identification of strains of RotaTeq rotavirus vaccine in infants with gastroenteritis following routine vaccination. 2012, Donato, J Infect Dis

Among children who had diarrhea within two weeks of vaccination, 21% had been infected with the vaccine strain. 37% of the isolated vaccine strains were reassortant from two RotaTeq strains.


Intussusception risk and disease prevention associated with rotavirus vaccines in Australia's National Immunization Program. 2013, Carlin, Clin Infect Dis

In Australia, Rotarix increased the risk of intussusception during the week after vaccination by 6.8 times, and RotaTeq – by 9.9 times.
In Mexico, Rotarix increased the risk in intussusception by 6.5 times.


After Australia passed a law obliging parents to vaccinate children to receive child benefits ("no jab, no pay"), parents living in rich areas of Melbourne began to vaccinate even less. Parents who are more educated, many with a science degrees, more often doubt the safety and the need for vaccinations.
Only 20% of those parents who did not vaccinate before this law was introduced, began to vaccinate because of it. 10% of Australian parents believe that vaccines are associated with autism. More: [1]


Herpes zoster in Australia: evidence of an increase in incidence in adults attributable to varicella immunization? 2011, Jardine, Epidemiol Infect

After the introduction of vaccination, the incidence of herpes zoster increased by 2%-6% annually in Australia among adults over 20 years of age.


Decreased varicella and increased herpes zoster incidence at a sentinel medical service in a setting of increasing varicella vaccine coverage in Victoria, Australia, 1998 to 2012. 2014, Kelly, Euro Surveill

The incidence of herpes zoster in Australia doubled among those under 50 years of age, and tripled among those over the age of 50 years.

Whooping cough

Finding the 'who' in whooping cough: vaccinated siblings are important pertussis sources in infants 6 months of age and under. 2014, Bertilone, Commun Dis Intell Q Rep

Most infants six months of age and younger are infected with whooping cough by their fully vaccinated siblings, especially two- and three-year-old siblings. Those who are not infected by their siblings, are often infected by their parents. More: [1].

Whooping cough

Timing of the routine infant and allergy and eczema at one year of age. 2016, Kiraly, Allergy.

Girls who received the first dose of DTaP at least one month after the suggested term developed allergies four times less frequently than girls who were vaccinated on time. Both boys and girls developed eczema two times less often if they were vaccinated at least one month after the recommended date.
Here it is also reported that vaccinated mice developed lung pathologies.


Ancestry of Pink Disease (Infantile Acrodynia) Identified as a Risk Factor for Autism Spectrum Disorders. 2011, Shandley, J Toxicol Environ Health A

Despite the fact that the use of mercury was widespread in the first half of the 20th century, only some children had acrodynia. Similarly, only some children develop ASD nowadays. The authors decided to test the hypothesis that autism, like acrodynia, is a consequence of hypersensitivity to mercury. They checked the number of autistic children among the grandchildren of people who survived acrodynia, and it turned out, that the incidence of ASD among them was 7 times higher than the national average (1:25 vs. 1:160).


The relation of prophylactic inoculations to the onset of poliomyelitis. 1950, McCloskey, Lancet

The fact that injections and vaccines provoke paralysis was known already back in 1950.
Some children of the polio epidemic in Melbourne in 1949 developed paralytic poliomyelitis soon after getting pertussis and diphtheria vaccine. Doctors denied any connection. It turned out, however, that such connection existed, since in most cases, paralysis developed precisely in the injected leg or hand. The authorities thought for a long time whether they should communicate this information to the doctors and general public, and decided to tell about pertussis, but not diphtheria. The press did not blow up the story, and the future of vaccination was not called into question.

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