Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

Whooping cough

The True Story of Pertussis Vaccination: A Sordid Legacy? 2002, Geier, J Hist Med Allied Sci.

A long but informative article on the history of the pertussis vaccine. If you still believe that the main goal of pharmaceutical companies is to create effective and safe drugs, this article might make you see things differently; we highly recommend reading it!
- The pertussis toxin is added to the whole-cell vaccine. This toxin increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, rendering this barrier more penetrable to other toxins and viruses. In fact, the pertussis toxin itself is a neurotoxin.
- Since the 1930s, it has been known that the whole-cell pertussis vaccine (DTP) is somewhat dangerous and can lead to neurological consequences.
- Since the 1950s, scientists analysed DTP vaccine toxicity in mice, evaluating toxicity based on mice survival and weight. In 1963, it became apparent that there was no correlation between the results in mice and the number of neurological consequences in children.
- In addition to the pertussis toxin (an exotoxin – a toxin that is secreted by a living bacterium), the vaccine component itself contains an endotoxin (a toxin released from a bacterium only after its decay). This endotoxin, whose presence was carefully concealed by the vaccine manufacturers, is in fact, very toxic.
- In an article from 1953, it was stated that practically every vaccinated child suffered systemic intoxication, with often permanent CNS lesions.
- The first acellular vaccine appeared in 1937. While it was widely used in the 1940s, it was later discontinued as the company did not want to invest in clinical trials. In the 1960s and 1970s, other acellular vaccines were widely used, but also got withdrawn from production due to their higher costs.
- After two babies died from vaccination in Japan, the Japanese developed the acellular vaccine that has been used since 1981.
- Sweden banned the whole-cell vaccine in the late 1970s. From 1970 to 1985, no child died of pertussis.
- In Tennessee in 1979, four children died after being vaccinated with the same lot of the pertussis vaccine. At this point, the CDC discovered that the vaccine was associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). While the director of the vaccine department of the FDA was on vacation, the FDA decided to withdraw the entire lot from circulation. However, when the director returned, he ordered that the whole lot be returned for distribution, apologizing to the pharmaceutical companies and promising them that it would not happen again. After this incident, manufacturers stopped sending entire lots to the same place, and instead, began distributing each lot throughout the country.
- This paper is also about how the pertussis vaccine led to the approval of a law for compensating victims of vaccinations. It also mentions how the Department of Health does everything possible to not compensate the injured, how almost all vaccine experts have a conflict of interest, and how the experts of committees investigating vaccine side effects are selected, and much more. The United States switched to the safer, acellular vaccine in 2001, 60 years after it was developed, and 20 years after Japan started using it. Nonetheless, not only is the whole-cell vaccine still licensed in the US, but pharmaceutical companies still sell the vaccine to the WHO, who then distribute it to other countries whose residents are improperly informed about the potential risks.

Whooping cough

Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome. 1983, Baraff, Pediatr Infect Dis

The DTP vaccine has been associated with sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in Los Angeles, and visits to the doctor have also been associated with SIDS.


Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis immunization and sudden infant death syndrome. 1987, Walker, Am J Public Health

The SIDS mortality rate during first 3 days after DTP vaccination was 7.3 times higher than during the 30 days after vaccination. The mortality rate decreased gradually over the four weeks after vaccination. The mortality rate in the first month after DTP vaccination was 2.9 times higher than the mortality rate post this time period.
However, the mortality rate among non-vaccinated with DTP was 6.5 times higher than among vaccinated. This conclusion was made based on six non-vaccinated infants. Mothers of 4 of them were single, 3 were unemployed, 2 received welfare and at least in one of the families physical violence was observed. The authors note that SIDS mortality rate has not changed in the UK after the vaccination refusal became common and the subsequent epidemic of pertussis, and therefore it is unlikely that vaccination against pertussis protects against SIDS.


Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome. 1983, Baraff, Pediatr Infect Dis

DTP vaccination and doctor visits are associated with SIDS in Los Angeles. 6 out of 27 infants died within 24 hours of the vaccination, and 17 died in the first week after the vaccination.
This study was criticized because, in the reviewer's opinion, it does not take into account that the period of increased risk of dying from SIDS coincides with the period when infants are vaccinated and then falls sharply. It may therefore have been a coincidence that infants died more often on the first day and the first week after vaccination.


Vaccination and unexplained sudden death risk in Taiwanese infants. 2017, Huang, Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf

In March 1992, 8 infants in Taiwan died within 36 hours of their DTP vaccination. Seven of them received vaccines from the same lot (which accounted for 58% of the vaccines used at that time), which prompted the authorities to suspend the vaccination of that lot.
The authors analyzed the cases of SIDS in Taiwan between 1996 and 2013 and concluded that the risk of sudden death after DTP is 60% higher in girls within two days of vaccination. The authors conclude that the vaccine probably only accelerated the deaths of these girls for a couple of days, and they were already destined to die from SIDS, just a little later than they actually did.


Simultaneous sudden infant death syndrome. 2007, Balci, J Forensic Leg Med

Twins (3.5 months age) received a second dose of DTP and OPV and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine. They had fever and were given paracetamol. Two days later, both died in their sleep lying on their backs. It was determined that their death was not related to vaccinations, and that they died of an unknown reason.


Vaccination and cot deaths in perspective. 1987, Roberts, Arch Dis Child

Twins died simultaneously 3 hours after a DTP vaccination. The authors conclude that this happened after the vaccination by a coincidence, that according to their calculations 9 infants a year are expected to die accidentally within 24 hours after the vaccination in the UK, and that the risk of SIDS in twins is 3 times higher. They point out that the number of reported deaths has not reached the projected number.
In 20 years, only 6 deaths after DTP have been reported, but there have probably been other cases. In the 14 months following this high-profile case, 5 deaths were reported within 24 hours of vaccination.


Simultaneous sudden infant death syndrome: case report. 2010, Cevik, Hong Kong J Emerg Me

Two-month-old twins suddenly died 3 days after being vaccinated. It was determined that the deaths were unrelated to the vaccination and they died from SIDS.
The case of simultaneous sudden death of three-month-old twins 5 days after vaccination is described here. They received both 3-month and 1.5-month vaccinations. Cause of death is SIDS.
Here is a case description of simultaneous SIDS in 2.5-month-old twins two weeks after vaccination.
Here is a case of simultaneous SIDS in two-month-old twins, 18 days after the vaccination.
Here is a case of simultaneous death of ten-month-old twins the day after vaccination in 1945. The cause of death was determined to be anaphylactic shock, but nowadays their diagnosis would be considered SIDS. The authors cite several more cases of lethal anaphylactic shock which does not occurs instantly after the injection, but rather a few hours or a day after.


Sudden and unexpected deaths after the administration of hexavalent vaccines 2005, von Kries, Eur J Pediatr

The authors researched the mortality rate following administration of two hexavalent vaccines (Infanrix Hexa and Hexavac) in Germany. For children in the second year of life, the mortality rate within 24 hours of Hexavac was 31 times higher than expected.
The authors note that the number of cases of SIDS occurring a few days after vaccination is likely to be underestimated, as these cases are not reported to the Paul Erlich Institute (which documents cases of vaccination adverse events). For example, only one of the six SIDS cases that occurred within two weeks after hexavalent vaccination was reported. This case occurred within 24 hours after the vaccination.


Sudden unexpected deaths and vaccinations during the first two years of life in Italy: a case series study. 2011, Traversa, PLoS One

Unlike the previous study, a study of 3 million infants in Italy found no connection between hexavalent vaccine and SIDS in the second year of life. Instead it found that the risk of SIDS during the first week after Hexavac was 2.8 times higher, the risk of SIDS after the first dose of any hexavalent vaccine was 2.2 times higher, and the risk of SIDS during the week after the first dose of any vaccine was 1.5 times higher than in the control group.
The control group consisted of the same infants that were vaccinated, just before they were vaccinated and 14 days after. That is, if an infant died on the 15th day after the vaccination, his death would increase the likelihood that the vaccine was not related to SIDS, since that infant already would be a part of the control group.


A modified self-controlled case series method to examine association between multidose vaccinations and death. 2011, Kuhnert, Stat Med

The authors analyzed 300 death cases in Germany using a new statistical method and found that the fourth dose of the penta- or hexavalent vaccine was associated with a 16-fold increase in the risk of SIDS, and any dose of the vaccine was associated with a 2-fold increase in the risk.


Elevated serum concentrations of beta-tryptase, but not alpha-tryptase, in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 2008, Buckley, Clin Exp Allergy

Beta-tryptase is an enzyme that is secreted from mast cells (a type of white blood cell). This enzyme is a marker of anaphylactic shock.
The authors analyzed the plasma of infants who died from SIDS and found that their beta-tryptase levels were significantly higher than those of infants who died with another diagnosis. They conclude that anaphylactic shock may be the cause of SIDS. More: [1] [2]


Unexplained cases of sudden infant death shortly after hexavalent vaccination. 2006, Zinka, Vaccine

In six SIDS cases that occurred within 48 hours of being vaccinated with a hexavalent vaccine, autopsies were performed in Munich Institute. 5 of the infants were vaccinated with Hexavac and one with Infanrix Hexa. In addition to neuropathological and histological abnormalities, an unusual swelling of the brain was evident in all cases.
Brain weight gain due to edema or hyperemia (overflow of blood vessels) is mainly observed after DTP vaccination. Two of the three tested for tryptase showed very high levels.
The authors conclude that after the introduction of hexavalent vaccine, the number of SIDS deaths immediately after vaccination increased 13 times.


Sudden infant death following hexavalent vaccination: a neuropathologic study. 2014, Matturri, Curr Med Chem

11.8% of 110 sudden infant deaths occurred within a week after hexavalent vaccination (Infanrix Hexa and Hexavac). The authors suggest that some components of hexavalent vaccines can easily penetrate the hemato-encephalic barrier, which is still permeable in the first months of life, and they induce molecular changes in DNA, RNA and brain proteins that regulate vital functions. This is followed by lethal respiratory control disorder in predisposed infants. They note that the neurotoxicity of aluminum, including its ability to penetrate the hemato-encephalytic barrier and to induce inflammatory and neurodegenerative changes, has been demonstrated empirically.


Infanrix hexa and sudden death: a review of the periodic safety update reports submitted to the European Medicines Agency. 2018, Puliyel, Indian J Med Ethics

The Infanrix Hexa manufacturer (GSK) submits to the EMA periodical confidential reports, which analyze the number of deaths immediately after vaccination and show that the number is lower than statistical expectations.
The authors analyzed three of these reports (15th, 16th and 19th), which were made publicly available by the Italian court, and found that the death cases that appeared in the 16th report were removed from the 19th. If we do take into account the cases from the 16th report, it turns out that the number of deaths within 4 days of vaccination among children over one year is much higher than could be expected.
The authors note that since SIDS statistics are collected by the manufacturer passively, its incidence is probably underestimated. On the other hand, the expected number of deaths is overestimated, since it is assumed that all the supplied vaccine doses have been used.
The authors do not understand why EMA accepted this report and call the manufacturer to explain why it removed these deaths from the report.


Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given: Is there a biochemical or synergistic toxicity? 2011, Miller, Hum Exp Toxicol

Before modern vaccination programs were introduced, "death in the cradle" was so rare that it was not included in infant mortality statistics. In the USA, national vaccination campaigns were launched in the 1960s. For the first time in history, most American children were required to receive several doses of vaccines, and soon after that, in 1969, a new medical term appeared – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. By 1980, SIDS had become the main cause of postneonatal mortality.
In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics launched the "Back to Sleep" campaign, which encouraged parents to put their children to bed on their backs rather than on their stomachs.
Between 1992 and 2001, the incidence of SIDS decreased on average by 8.6% per year. However, the incidence of other causes of sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) has increased. For example, infant mortality from suffocation in bed has increased on average by 11.2% per year. Infant mortality from suffocation due to other causes as well as mortality in general has also increased. Similar observations were made in other studies as well.
Analysis of data from 1999 to 2001 shows that SIDS incidence continued to decline, but there was no significant change in overall postneonatal mortality. Although some studies have not found a correlation between SIDS and vaccines, there is evidence that some infants are more susceptible to SIDS after vaccination. For example, Torch found that two-thirds of the infants who died of SIDS were vaccinated with DTP. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours after vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within 3 days; and 37%, 61% and 70% within 1, 2 and 3 weeks respectively. Torch also found that non-vaccinated children died most often from SIDS in the fall or winter, while those vaccinated died most often at ages of 2 and 4 months – that is, when infants are first vaccinated with DTP. He concludes that the risks of vaccination may outweigh its potential benefits


Here is the CDC data. SIDS incidence in the US have declined significantly since 1992, but when considering all unexpected deaths altogether, their incidence decreased by 30% by the mid-1990s and has remained virtually unchanged since then.
Native and African Americans die from sudden causes twice as often as whites and 5 times as often as Asians.
The mortality rate of infants from suffocation in bed has increased more than tenfold since the 1990s, although the recommendation to place children on their backs should have reduce the incidence of suffocation. The CDC, for some reason, has nothing to say about this fact.
The same happens in Australia – although the SIDS incidence is decreasing, the number of deaths from suffocation is increasing. More: [1]


Defining the sudden infant death syndrome 1991, Willinger, Pediatr Pathol

In 1991, the definition of SIDS was changed. For example, autopsy and investigation of the stage of death were not previously required, but have now become mandatory. It also became necessary to investigate personal and family medical history. However, the new definition is by far applied to 35% of cases only. In 7% of cases the definition from 1969 is used, and which definition is used in the remaining cases is unclear.
Mississippi has a 12 times higher SIDS incidence than New York. In some states, investigators do not use SIDS as a cause of death if any other cause is suspected. SIDS incidence may vary within 300-400% from district to district in the same state. More: [1]


Re-use of a mattress is associated with a three-fold risk of SIDS. The risk was higher if the mattress was borrowed from another family. More:[1]


In Sweden, there was a correlation between the incidence of SIDS and the nitrates level in water.


An 18-month-old child was vaccinated with MMR, even though he was sick. He died ten days later. The pathologist found that the child's death was not related to the vaccination, as his symptoms appeared too quickly after the vaccination to be related to it, and the child died of SIDS.


In 2011, a healthy four-month-old infant in the United States received 7 vaccines and died the next day with a diagnosis of SIDS. In July 2017, the Special Masters court decided that the vaccines played a significant role in the boy's death, and without their influence he would not have died.

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