

How do physicians immunize their own children? Differences among pediatricians and nonpediatricians. 2005, Posfay-Barbe, Pediatrics

5% of non-pediatric doctors do not vaccinate their children against measles, mumps and rubella. They believe that combined vaccines are unsafe, that it is safer to have the disease than to get vaccinated, and that homeopathic treatment works well for these diseases.
10% postponed the DTaP vaccination for a later date, 15% postponed the MMR vaccination.
One third of the doctors did not vaccinate their children against hepatitis B and Hib. Only 12% chose to vaccinate against the flu, and only 3% chose to vaccinate against chickenpox. 34% of pediatricians did not vaccinate their children according to the vaccination schedule.
The survey involved only the InfoVac subscribers, that is, doctors who are actively engaged in the vaccinations issues. Hereby the actual fraction of doctors who do not vaccinate their children is probably much higher. (Switzerland)


An 11-month-old boy with psychomotor regression and auto-aggressive behaviour. 2003, Chrysochoou, Eur J Pediatr

An 11-months-old boy in Switzerland started showing symptoms, resembling ASD. He did not laugh, did not play, was restless, hardly slept, lost weight and could no longer crawl or stand up. He had multiple check-ups, but could not be diagnosed. Three months later he was hospitalized, and after numerous repeat tests, only when the parents were asked, it turned out that 4 weeks prior to the onset of the symptoms, a mercury thermometer got broken in the house. It turned out that the boy had mercury poisoning (acrodynia).

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