

Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. 2015, Colafrancesco, Am J Reprod Immunol

Three girls (ages 13, 14 and 21) had menopause after the vaccination. The tests revealed autoantibodies, hinting at the role of the HPV vaccine. All of them got the regular symptoms as well – nausea, headache, insomnia, cognitive and psychiatric disorders.
HPV virus for Cervarix is grown in caterpillar cells, and the virus for Gardasil is grown in yeast. Yeast is a known trigger of autoimmune reactions.


Adolescent Premature Ovarian Insufficiency Following Human Papillomavirus Vaccination: A Case Series Seen in General Practice. 2014, Little, J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep

Three more girls with menopause after the vaccination. All from the same Australian state. The authors write that menopause in adolescence virtually did not exist before.
(On the other hand, after the menopause one girl had less teenage acne! So if your daughter has acne and you do not want any grandchildren, you can suggest Gardasil to her.)

But I cite this article because it also analyzes pre-clinical, clinical and post-clinical trials of the vaccine in terms of its effect on fertility, and it is worth reading in full.
Pre-clinical toxicology studies are performed on rats. Merck refused to provide toxicology report on the reproductive organs of females, but did provide the report on the reproductive organs of males!
After being vaccinated female rats conceived only once, after which they were killed. Rats only received two doses of the vaccine, not three, as do humans.
Clinical trials were not any better. Firstly, safety was mostly studied on girls at the ages of 16-23. There were very few girls under 16 years of age, even though they are the ones the vaccine was indented for. Secondly, they were all required to take birth control pills for at least seven months, which means that irregularities in menstrual cycle could not be determined. If anything happened after the seven months passed, then by definition, it could not have been related to the vaccination. And if anything happened during those seven months, but the experimenter did not think it was related to the vaccine, then it wasn’t. And yet, two girls did have their menstruation terminated, but Merck did not publish this data. Thirdly, serious side effects were checked for during two weeks after the vaccination. Noticing the cessation of menstruation in two weeks is quite difficult. Moreover, аmenorrhea was not considered a serious side effect at all. ‘Serious’ only includes hospitalization, disability or death. Menopause at the age of 12 is not a serious problem.
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System in the USA) recorded 104 cases of menopause after Gardasil in 2006-2013.
Post-clinical trials are usually based on hospitalization data, and therefore they are also unable to detect early menopause, since it does not require hospitalization. More: [1]

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