
Whooping cough

Childhood infectious diseases and risks of leukaemia in an adult population. 2013, Parodi, Int J Cancer

Children who had whooping cough during childhood, had a 1.5-2 times lower risk of developing some types of leukemia.


Childhood infectious diseases and risk of leukaemia in an adult population. 2013, Parodi, Int J Cancer

Measles is associated with a 47% reduced risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The risk of lymphocytic leukemia is inversely associated with amount of childhood diseases (mumps, chickenpox, whooping cough, etc.). One or two childhood diseases reduced the risk by 16%, three or more diseases - by 53%.


Childhood leukemia and infectious diseases in the first year of life: a register-based case-control study. 1986, van Steensel-Moll, Am J Epidemiol

Colds, fever and childhood infectious diseases are inversely associated with risk of leukemia.
A few similar papers:

[1] 2008, Urayama, Radiat Prot Dosimetry
[2] 2008, Ribeiro, Int J Cancer


Risk of leukaemia in children infected with enterovirus: a nationwide, retrospective, population-based, Taiwanese-registry, cohort study. 2015, Lin, Lancet Oncol

Исследование 568 тысяч детей в Тайване. У детей, зараженных энтеровирусами, риск заболеть лейкемией был на 56% ниже.

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